The Mental Health Advisory Committee of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) is seeking participation from individuals with cystic fibrosis, 18 years and older, who would like to provide input on mental health concerns, beyond depression and generalized anxiety, that may impact daily functioning. In the first part of the study, we will be collecting information via interview on your experiences of mental health concerns in adults with CF, using video conferencing (zoom). The total time commitment for the interview will be about one hour. Participants who complete the interview will receive $50 for their time and effort. Responses from these interviews will be used to help generate items for a new, brief general mental health screening tool that is CF specific (GEMS-CF). After this new tool is developed, we would like to recontact you to complete the GEMS-CF screening tool along with other questionnaires. This portion of the study will not exceed 45 minutes and will also be conducted remotely. Participants who complete these questionnaires will receive an additional payment of $50 for their time.
If you are interested, please click here on the survey link.
If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, please contact either Christine Roach BSN, RN, by email at or Dr. Beth Smith by email or by phone (716 859-5454).