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colleen adamson


I am 54 years old and was diagnosed when I was 13 months old. My mom diagnosed me after looking up my symptoms in Dr. Spock’s book! I had all the symptoms of CF: failure to thrive, sick all the time, salty skin, etc. Despite having all the classic symptoms, my doctors concluded that I did not have CF because we had no family history of it, but my mom insisted I be tested. As it turns out, I did have relatives on both sides of the family who died of lung issues, but these issues were not called CF at the time.


I had a bilateral lung transplant on July 3rd, 1998 and a living kidney transplant from my friend Kelly on March 7th, 2006. Both transplants were done at Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia. I am very thankful for my two donors!


I worked full time for the U.S. Government as an Operations Research Analyst, developing cost estimates for major government systems such as ships and aircraft. I retired on disability a few years ago because I was having issues with my speech and memory. I was having a very hard time remembering numbers and talking about them, which is kind of important when developing and briefing cost estimates! Now I am glad to not have the job stress anymore and grateful to have time to take better care of myself.


I spend my time volunteering for Fairfax Hospital and for my church, although I did take a break from in-person activities during the pandemic and I have not been back yet per my doctor’s orders because the pandemic is still ongoing. I am a Fairfax Hospital Lung Transplant Center Mentor, speaking to pre- and post-transplant patients about my experiences with lung transplantation. I am also a Donate Life Ambassador for Infinite Legacy, a nonprofit organ procurement organization (OPO) for Maryland, Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. I help them by promoting organ, eye, and tissue donation at various events so that others may have the gift of life that I have been given. My husband and I will celebrate our 26th anniversary in June 2023. We have a furbaby named Penny; she is a Miniature Schnauzer and brings us joy every day.


9450 SW Gemini Dr

PMB 43881

Beaverton, OR 97008


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*CF Roundtable® does not give medical advice. Any medical opinions represented in these articles are those of the writer and do not represent the views of USACFA, any of our community partners, or any other group or individual. We strongly suggest you consult your doctors regarding any medical references and before altering your medical regimen in any way. USACFA does not endorse any products or procedures. 

Registered Charity Number : EIN # 93-1036770

© United States Adult Cystic Fibrosis Association 2019

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